1) In 1544, Portuguese sailors passed Taiwan and claimed the name of the island “Ilha Formosa,” meaning Beautiful Island.
2) Before the discovery of Portuguese, little is known about the original inhabitants, who in fact have been living in Taiwan for about 8000 years.
3) Taiwan was colonized by the Dutch in the 17th century.
4) In 1662, Zheng Cheng-gong, an exiled general of Ming Dynasty, defeated the Dutch and established a base of operations on the Island.
5) At Zheng’s period, a large number of immigrants from areas of Fujian and Guangdong of China, who were driven by impoverished condition, across the Taiwan Strait and resided in Taiwan.
6) Zheng’s forces were later defeated by Qing Dynasty in 1683.
7) Qing Dynasty ruled Taiwan nominally for 200 years.
8) Why I said “nominally” is because Qing emperor claimed that “Taiwan is the size of pellet; taking it is no gain and not taking it is no loss” and Taiwan is a ball of mud beyond the sea, adding nothing to the breadth of China.”
9) Under Qing’s reign, Taiwan was ruled as a dispensable territory.
10) Taiwan was finally ceded to Japan in 1895 until it returned to Republic of China after WWII.
11) After Republic of China lost the battleship to Communist Party of China, the president of Republic of China, Chiang Kai-Shek, retreated to Taiwan with 2 million soldiers.
12) During Chang’s life, he still dreamed of returning to China and defeating the Communist Party of China. His dream was failed, but the wars between Taiwan and China have been still continuing.
13) In the past 50 years, because of Taiwanese people’s hard-working and perseverant attitudes, and nature’s resources, Taiwan has developed its own government, culture, democratic polity, educational and economic systems.
14) Historically, Taiwan was no longer belonged to China after it was ceded to Japan, and in fact, after WWII Taiwan was returned to the Republic of China, which has settled in Taiwan for more than 50 years, not to Communist Party of China.
15) In addition, the difference of governmental polities, educational and economic systems between Taiwan and China is large.
16) Thus, based on the historical and actual reasons, Taiwan is not belonged to China.
17) However, due to of China’s military force and China’s oppression of the relationship between Taiwan and the world, Taiwan maintains an unclear status between non-independent and non-united.
18) Recently, the world witnesses how China oppresses and persecutes Tibet because Tibetans fight for democracy.
19) Do you still think Taiwan should be a part of China? Please consider Taiwanese happiness and well-being. I hope Taiwan will not be the next Tibet.
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