POD Network, a professional and organizational development network, was holding an annual conference at Hyatt Hotel in Houston. I am honored to be accepted for giving a presentation on the topic of teaching large classes by using a case that the Center for Teaching Excellence, where I am working as a graduate assistant, had conducted a four-series Faculty Learning Community for Mechanical Engineering early-career faculty at Texas A&M University. I was serving as the instructional designer and material collector for the project.


Vicky and I left for Houston in the scattered rainy day. We had Chipotle Mexican Burrito at the suburban area of Houston on the way but got caught by rain a little since we did not bring umbrella to the restaurant. When we arrived the Hyatt Hotel in downtown Houston, I was amazed that luxurious and spectacular degree the hotel has. Having one hour for preparation before my presentation, I discussed the order of presentation with my bosses Debra and Jean. I was worrying about not many audience interested with our topic. To my surprise, more than 20 attendees showed up in my session, most of who were consultants from other teaching excellence centers, some of who were professors and two of them were from one of Japanese Universities. I was so nervous since I am just a PHD student who was going to present in front of more than 20 senior-career professors and consultants. The result turned out pretty well and I was glad I had done a recognized job. Thanks Debra and Jean. Without you two, I could not have completed this work.

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